Outstanding Employees: 2024 BigPanda HEART Award Winners

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Our people managers and executive leadership team selected 10 recipients of the annual HEART Award. At BigPanda, HEART represents our core values of hunger, extreme ownership, active transparency, relentless customer focus, and one team (HEART). Every year, we recognize and celebrate outstanding employees who exemplify these values as team members at BigPanda.

The BigPanda core value spell out HEART, representing hunger, extreme ownership, active transparency, relentless customer focus, and one team.

BigPanda will donate on behalf of each of these winners to a local non-profit organization of their choice.

Alex Brohshtut, Technical Lead

Alex is a mentor who drives excellence across the entire BigPanda engineering organization. Alex elected to donate to Shishi Shabbat Israeli, which supports and provides a community for young Russian-speaking immigrants as they adapt to their new lives in Israel.

Brandon Enany, Senior Data Analyst

Brandon’s team refers to him as a “one-man miracle worker.” His efforts enable employees across BigPanda to do their jobs more efficiently and make better strategic decisions. Brandon’s donation supports the Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue, where volunteers have fostered and saved almost 2,000 dogs.

“This rescue is where we adopted our wonderful German shepherd,” says Brandon. “They do an incredible job providing homes and comfort for these dogs.”

C Beers, Senior Solutions Architect

C Beers, Senior Solutions Architect at BigPanda

C’s ability to drive adoption in close collaboration with BigPanda account teams, and their focus on innovation contributed to their nomination for a 2024 HEART award. C’s donation supports the Transgender Law Center, the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people.

“The increase in legal efforts to criminalize transgender identity in the U.S. states is sad,” says C. “I hope this donation furthers the fight in the courts.”

Hadas Neumann, Engineering Manager

Hadas Neuman, Engineering Manager at BigPanda

Hadas has demonstrated her software engineering expertise to BigPanda for nearly three years. She provides guidance and shares her collaborative work ethic with Pandas from different teams and groups. Hadas elected to donate to Pitchon Lev, which focuses on breaking Israel’s intergenerational cycle of poverty.

“Pitchon-Lev assists hundreds of thousands of families yearly,” says Hadas. “They distribute food to needy families every week.”

James McElvanna, Senior Product Manager

James McElvanna, Senior Product Manager at BigPanda

James continually revamps business processes to improve the lives of BigPanda customers. He strives for success for himself, his team, and BigPanda. James chose to support Operation Walk, which provides hip and knee replacements to impoverished people worldwide.

“I was diagnosed with advanced arthritis in my left hip last year and underwent total hip replacement surgery,” says James. “Operation Walk provides orthopedic replacements to people who can’t otherwise afford them.

Jeremy Goodwin, Senior Software Engineer

Jeremy Goodwin, Senior Software Engineer at BigPanda

Jeremy contributes to significant improvements in the software integrations offered by BigPanda. His donation supports the Mile High Wrestling Club, which provides athletes with financial-hardship scholarships.

“I’ve seen firsthand how MHWC develops athletes,” says Jeremy. “These donations ensure they can train year-round and reach their goals.”

Katie Petrillo, Senior Director of Product Marketing

Katie Petrillo, Senior Director of Product Marketing at BigPanda

Katie leads with heart, skill, and initiative. Since joining BigPanda, she has built a cross-functional team that enables the company’s go-to-market strategy. Katie’s donation supports the Boston chapter of Habitat for Humanity, which provides housing for individuals with low-to-moderate incomes in the greater Boston area.

“I spent a summer biking across the country raising money for affordable housing,” says Katie. “It’s an important issue, especially in Boston.”

Omri Telem, Technical Lead

Omri Telem, Technical Lead at BigPanda

Omri is driven to innovate, executes with pride, leads with data, and puts customers at the center of his work. He exemplifies the BigPanda value of Relentless customer focus. Omri nominated Bring Them Home Now as his non-profit.

“Bring Them Home Now provides support for the families of abducted and missing,” says Omri. “I hope this donation aids in raising awareness and resources.”

Reggie James, Principal Solutions Architect

Reggie James, Principal Solutions Architect at BigPanda

Reggie exemplifies Relentless customer focus, helping our customers maximize the value they get from BigPanda. Reggie chose to contribute to The X for Boys.

“Our youth are often faced with adversity and lack positive role models,” says Reggie. “The X for Boys aims to empower young men to become responsible members of their communities.”

Working with HEART

At BigPanda, we foster an environment of diversity, inclusiveness, and social responsibility. We’re thrilled to recognize and celebrate these individuals and help support those causes that are important to them.