Achieving quick time to value with AIOps

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AI is everywhere, and while it’s transforming industries, many organizations are still trying to identify how to use it to achieve tangible value. This is especially true for AIOps, where platforms often fall short of the promises to automate IT operations and improve incident response. As a result, many leaders are skeptical about whether AIOps can deliver measurable results quickly or provide outcome-driven value in IT operations.

You may hesitate to adopt AIOps due to uncertainty about how much AI can benefit your business. Or whether adding a new tool will increase existing alert noise. Many organizations aren’t sure how to quantify the value, or they worry it will take too long to realize measurable benefits. This skepticism has delayed the adoption of AIOps by many organizations, according to Gartner.

All the hype surrounding AI doesn’t help. With so many vendors claiming AI capabilities, it’s difficult to know what’s feasible. Or even identify the specific use cases for AIOps. All told, many factors make it hard to justify purchase and adoption.

Initial results: Noise reduction

Organizations implementing the BigPanda platform are achieving real, measurable value quickly, dispelling many initial doubts. BigPanda customers experience immediate efficiencies, specifically reducing alert noise by 80% within eight weeks of implementation. 1 In some cases, this exceeds 90% or over time.

In the beginning stages with BigPanda AIOps, organizations typically focus on addressing the overwhelming number of alerts their applications create. Reducing the noise allows teams to focus on critical incidents instead of being slowed by false positives and irrelevant alerts. The noise reduction alone streamlines incident management and reduces operational headaches.

That’s just the start. BigPanda can enable an additional 80% compression of events into actionable incidents by applying standardized tags and automated processes. 1 Enhancing context with change, topology, ITSM, and other data allows IT teams to resolve incidents faster. On average, customers reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR) by 25% within the first 90 days. 1 BigPanda GenAI capabilities — including Automated Incident Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, and Similar Incidents — further accelerate incident resolution and decision-making.

Business benefits

The positive effects of AIOps extend beyond speeding up incident resolution for IT teams. They reverberate throughout the entire organization. Using automation to free up teams from manual tasks, AIOps allows them to focus on innovation and strategic initiatives. NOC operators, for instance, can step into leadership roles and engage in higher-level initiatives such as process optimization and change management rather than simply monitoring and responding to alerts.

Integration with ITSM tools also allows AIOps to provide richer context to service desk analysts, fostering greater collaboration across observability, ITOps, and ITSM teams for faster incident resolution. Centralized data helps IT teams identify areas for infrastructure improvement and tool rationalization, leading to cost savings and streamlining operations.

EMA’s study shows that 82% of respondents report that their investments in incident automation have paid for themselves.

According to an EMA study about outage costs, the proactive capabilities enabled by AIOps solutions reduce both the frequency and cost of outages. In another survey, EMA found that more than 50% of infrastructure and operations leaders report they’ve achieved cost savings exceeding 20% from incident automation investments. Another 30% indicate they’ve realized at least double the cost in savings and benefits.

Ultimately, AIOps boosts operational efficiency, improves customer experience, and increases business value. By ensuring fewer service disruptions, AIOps can help you deliver better, more consistent customer outcomes while reducing the burden on internal teams.

Proof point: Gamma achieves instant benefits

Gamma, a leading supplier of communication services in the U.K., German, Spanish, and Dutch markets, faced alert-management challenges from its email-alerting system. Gamma could review only 3% of its alerts because it relied on inefficient manual identification and correlation processes. Leaders were reluctant to adopt AIOps. However, a proof-of-value project with BigPanda demonstrated the value of AIOps, allowing Gamma to reduce alert noise by 93% while increasing the operational efficiency of the IT team.

Gamma Communications logo

“Within two weeks, we had a substantial reduction in alerts — and better alerts. An instant bang for the buck.”

Dan Bartram
Head of Automation and Monitoring, Gamma

Proof point: Autodesk

Autodesk, a 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software leader, faced an average of 100,000 monthly application alerts across 25 monitoring tools. Responsible for filtering and identifying actionable insights, the NOC team was overwhelmed by all the noise. They had to switch among multiple dashboards and manually investigate the root cause without a clear context for each incident. Autodesk deployed BigPanda to help reduce noise and enrich service-desk tickets with context from numerous data sources. As a result, Autodesk reduced incidents by 69% and improved resolution times by 85%. The company now has better visibility of its tech stack and has significantly enhanced operational efficiency.

Outcome-driven results within weeks

AIOps is more than just a buzzword: BigPanda provides a powerful platform to quickly reduce noise, streamline incident management, and drive efficiency across your organization, regardless of data and AI maturity. Whether you’re just beginning your AIOps journey or want to optimize existing processes, you can achieve rapid time to value, empowering your IT teams to achieve measurable results.

Download our e-book to learn how BigPanda can bring immediate value to your operations and help you transform your business.

1 These statistics are aggregated from BigPanda customer data and reflect average results. Since each organization is unique, individual results may vary based on specific use cases and configurations. Contact us to learn how your organization can benefit.