Harness GenAI to enhance IT incident management

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Advances in generative AI are rapidly transforming the IT operations landscape. According to Enterprise Strategy Group, 85% of organizations use or plan to deploy AI across many functional areas, including ITOps.

AIOps platforms can apply advanced GenAI to quickly identify an incident’s root cause, impact, and recommend steps to resolution. When fed the correct information, AIOps gives IT teams immediate access to context-rich insights. With the full context around incidents, teams can respond faster and more accurately. Effectively deploying AIOps can decrease the frequency and cost of outages by 30% and reduce their duration to under an hour.

BigPanda recently hosted a webinar highlighting how to use GenAI to deliver incident context to reduce IT noise and quickly identify root causes. This webinar explains how advanced GenAI can enhance incident data by combining observability and machine-generated data with historical, expert, and institutional knowledge. This unified view enables ITOps and ITSM teams to collaborate effectively, share data, and improve incident response processes.

Blair Sibille and Katie Petrillo explain how BigPanda gives operators a centralized view of incidents by aggregating data from multiple IT sources and monitoring tools. They explain how organizations can use BigPanda and GenAI to:

  • Automatically summarize incidents, including potential root causes and related past incidents.
  • Correlate multisource alerts with change data so NOC or ITSM teams can identify and roll back system changes that caused incidents.
  • Improve service availability and reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR).

“GenAI can be applied to incident response to give your operators a broader contextual understanding of what is going on,” said Blair Sibille, field CTO at BigPanda. “They’re no longer forced to look at siloed data from separate tools and connect those dots manually.”


With over 20 years of IT industry experience, Blair Sibille helps organizations transform their IT operations with AIOps, observability, and automation. Blair has a strong background in enterprise SaaS design, AI, ML, and conversational AI.

As the senior director of product marketing at BigPanda, Katie Petrillo is an experienced go-to-market leader. Her experience in ITOps and cybersecurity helps her tell compelling stories highlighting the BigPanda platform’s value.

Learn more about GenAI for incident management

BigPanda uses advanced GenAI to help reduce IT noise and rapidly identify the root cause of incidents. Learn more about how AIOps can improve incident management and drive operational efficiency.