BigPanda and Cribl: Situational awareness for AIOps

Access more observability data at a lower cost.


  • Data hygiene: Reduce and manage data volumes by standardizing redaction, filtering, and routing processes.
  • Data manipulation: Normalize and enrich diverse data formats for end-to-end visibility into the full scope of your environment.
  • IT governance: Standardize a data governance model to consistently populate high-quality, enriched alert data across teams.
  • Analytics at-a-glance: Measure and optimize strategic value across all your tools in real-time.

Cribl’s observability pipeline enables ingestion of more descriptive observability data, creating a new stream of actionable events that would have otherwise been too expensive to produce. Cribl transforms data in flight by collecting, processing, and routing only priority observability data from multiple destinations into BigPanda, which then enriches and correlates complex data into actionable incidents. This integration avoids observability tool costs from extra CPU search cycles or unnecessary data storage fees.

  • Increase awareness of your IT environment Convert high volumes of complex, unactionable heterogeneous observability data — such as logs, traces, alerts, events, changes, topology, and relationship telemetry — into a single, normalized stream of topology metadata representing your on-premises and cloud IT environments. Use the data to enrich correlated alerts and incidents in real-time to simplify and speed response before alerts become incidents. Cribl makes it easy to mask PII data at rest for compliant access to sensitive alert data to broaden the scope of infrastructure awareness within BigPanda.
  • Reduce observability data complexity Easily eliminate duplicate fields, null values, and elements that provide little analytical value. Set parsing rules for incoming alert payloads and use AI tag normalization to pre-process content to match incoming data requirements. Doing so before it reaches BigPanda improves system performance and reduces storage costs.

Key capabilities


  • Data collection: Collect widespread observability data from multiple endpoints and APIs, recall data from low-cost storage, and access otherwise private data sources.
  • Data quality governance: Eliminate elements that provide low analytical value.
  • Accelerate enrichment: Translate and transform varied data language from all sources into a normalized format to streamline the enrichment of third-party data.


  • Cross-source correlation: Use AI and ML to correlate high-quality alerts and critical topological context. Collect data from all CI/CD tools against your incidents in real-time to surface root-cause changes and create a small number of incidents.
  • Automation workflow: Accelerate triage by mobilizing the right escalation teams and experts to automate notifications, ticketing, and remediation.
  • Unified Analytics: Use purpose-built analytics and reporting for ITOps to increase visibility of KPIs, metrics, and trends that you can use to drive continuous optimization.

Data Governance

Actionable Insights

Automated ITOps Workflows


You collect far more data than you can access and analyze. (Some organizations report that they utilize less than 2% of collected data.) Varied data quality combined with siloed monitoring and observability tools trap important insights in a variety of systems and in different formats.
Correlated alerts and incidents that lack descriptive metadata make it to triage quickly and efficiently. For example, teams need detail on nature of the problem, the systems impacted, and business priority. These delays impact your ability to scale through technology instead of headcount.
Manual ticket creation and remediation are time-consuming, error-prone, and subject to becoming quickly outdated as incident status changes frequently.

How BigPanda helps

Dramatically reduce low-value noise by de-duplicating, filtering out false positives, and eliminating benign data by 90%. Use BigPanda Alert Intelligence to focus on a broader scope of priority events related to data you want to monitor or incidents you need to resolve.
Enrich correlated alerts with descriptive metadata to give response teams valuable insight into how to easily sort, filter, visualize, and act on priority incidents. Accelerate triage, boost efficiency, and speed mean time to resolution (MTTR).
Automate ticket creation and synchronize dynamically changing status between the NOC and response teams in real-time. Notify the right teams at the right time by automating workflows with chat, on-call notifications, and auto-remediation systems.

Business value

Manage observability storage needs and control costs. Reduce and compress observability data into the high-quality insights that affect your operations.
Accelerate incident triage and increase team bandwidth by reducing MTTR.
Streamline and automate ITOps activities to boost operational efficiency and reduce costs while allowing ITOps to scale without additional headcount.

Data Governance


You collect far more data than you can access and analyze. (Some organizations report that they utilize less than 2% of collected data.) Varied data quality combined with siloed monitoring and observability tools trap important insights in a variety of systems and in different formats.

How BigPanda helps

Dramatically reduce low-value noise by de-duplicating, filtering out false positives, and eliminating benign data by 90%. Use BigPanda Alert Intelligence to focus on a broader scope of priority events related to data you want to monitor or incidents you need to resolve.

Business value

Manage observability storage needs and control costs. Reduce and compress observability data into the high-quality insights that affect your operations.

Actionable Insights


Correlated alerts and incidents that lack descriptive metadata make it to triage quickly and efficiently. For example, teams need detail on nature of the problem, the systems impacted, and business priority. These delays impact your ability to scale through technology instead of headcount.

How BigPanda helps

Enrich correlated alerts with descriptive metadata to give response teams valuable insight into how to easily sort, filter, visualize, and act on priority incidents. Accelerate triage, boost efficiency, and speed mean time to resolution (MTTR).

Business value

Accelerate incident triage and increase team bandwidth by reducing MTTR.

Automated ITOps Workflows


Manual ticket creation and remediation are time-consuming, error-prone, and subject to becoming quickly outdated as incident status changes frequently.

How BigPanda helps

Automate ticket creation and synchronize dynamically changing status between the NOC and response teams in real-time. Notify the right teams at the right time by automating workflows with chat, on-call notifications, and auto-remediation systems.

Business value

Streamline and automate ITOps activities to boost operational efficiency and reduce costs while allowing ITOps to scale without additional headcount.