Accelerate merger and acquisition activities with AIOps

Maximize shareholder value with full visibility of IT infrastructure.


  • Eliminate shadow IT: Uncover decentralized application and monitoring tool silos across entities.
  • Define IT governance: Populate all alerts with a minimum level of contextual detail to drive only actionable alerts.
  • Standardize and automate manual workflows: Use context-based workflow auto-remediation to automate using appropriate tools and timing for optimal results.
  • Unify ITOps analytics: Measure and optimize interrelated KPIs to identify where and how to increase productivity and incident-response workflows.

Use AIOps to gain comprehensive visibility and real-time analytics across IT systems, applications, and services. Using rich data analytics ability to identify and standardize cross-functional workflows between IT, DevOps, and SRE teams enhances the perceived value, potential cost synergies, and ease of integration for merger and acquisition targets.

  • Prepare your IT environment to accelerate due diligence Of due diligence initiatives related to mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 50% to 60% are closely tied to the IT environment. AIOps delivers full visibility and transparency into all the systems, applications, and services managed within IT operations. Both buyers and sellers can quickly identify overlapping technology, ITSM improvements, and cost reductions that expedite due diligence.
  • Integrate systems and teams using AIOps Uncover redundant IT infrastructure to accelerate M&A activities. AIOps can also identify which monitoring and observability tools are sending actionable insights — and which are being ignored. Use AIOps to define and enforce from the parent to the acquisition the descriptive metadata required in addition to alerts that support collaboration between ITOps, DevOps, and SRE teams. You can then automate these steps to reduce redundant and error-prone workflows, supporting strong cost-optimization synergies between the merged IT departments.

Key capabilities

  • Monitoring integrations: Benefit from 50+ native and self-service data integrations across new acquired monitoring and observability systems (including REST, SNMP traps, and emails) that you can set up in hours, not days.
  • Event normalization: Convert heterogeneous monitoring tools into a single, consistent format that creates a pane-of-glass view of information.
  • Event enrichment: Topological and operational enrichment gives more detailed insights into causes and implications of potential incidents within a ticket, systems, or record.
  • Unified Analytics: Use self-service analytics and dashboards to identify redundant tools and provide detail on how to improve and optimize steps and error-prone workflows.
  • SaaS deployment: Gain simplicity with nothing to host, install, or maintain.
  • Pricing flexibility and transparency: Select from different licensing models to meet your needs during due-diligence and M&A activities.

Integrate disparate teams and tools

Use a single pane of glass for analytics

Identify and optimize ITOps workflows


Siloed teams and multiple monitoring, ticketing, and collaboration platforms make it hard to identify and align on process improvements across teams.
During due diligence, teams are forced to switch between disparate, detached monitoring consoles instead having a unified view of the ITOps landscape.
The data required to validate operational maturity and do strategic planning is fragmented across many silos. Metrics are not readily available to present to shareholders.

How BigPanda helps

Out-of-the-box reports on team performance and productivity make it easy to track, measure, and improve team productivity.
ITOps teams can consult a single pane of glass to quickly assess what is happening within your IT environment.
Unified Analytics provides end-to-end visibility to identify workflow efficiencies to streamline M&A due diligence and post-merger initiatives.

Business value

Interrelated ITOps KPIs provide insights into increasing productivity and financial benefits to the business.
Eliminating ITOps silos between merged entities allows you to scale ITOps productivity using technology, not headcount.
The ability to visualize the value provided by all your monitoring tools and adopt a data-driven approach to tool rationalization leads to a more mature observability strategy.

Integrate disparate teams and tools


Siloed teams and multiple monitoring, ticketing, and collaboration platforms make it hard to identify and align on process improvements across teams.

How BigPanda helps

Out-of-the-box reports on team performance and productivity make it easy to track, measure, and improve team productivity.

Business value

Interrelated ITOps KPIs provide insights into increasing productivity and financial benefits to the business.

Use a single pane of glass for analytics


During due diligence, teams are forced to switch between disparate, detached monitoring consoles instead having a unified view of the ITOps landscape.

How BigPanda helps

ITOps teams can consult a single pane of glass to quickly assess what is happening within your IT environment.

Business value

Eliminating ITOps silos between merged entities allows you to scale ITOps productivity using technology, not headcount.

Identify and optimize ITOps workflows


The data required to validate operational maturity and do strategic planning is fragmented across many silos. Metrics are not readily available to present to shareholders.

How BigPanda helps

Unified Analytics provides end-to-end visibility to identify workflow efficiencies to streamline M&A due diligence and post-merger initiatives.

Business value

The ability to visualize the value provided by all your monitoring tools and adopt a data-driven approach to tool rationalization leads to a more mature observability strategy.
“We experienced rapid growth through acquisitions. This created complexity in our environment, multiple dashboards scattered throughout our organization... With BigPanda we have achieved a 98% availability rate across all our locations.”

Alvin Smith
Vice President, Global Infrastructure and Operations, IHG